Parbhani Talathi Question Paper 2014

Parbhani Talathi Exam Paper 2014 

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In the following question (1 to 10) choose the word which is the exact opposite of the given word.

1) Malignant :

  1. A) Virulent B) Prime           C) Benign         D) Swallow

2) Insipid:

  1. A) Tasty B) stupid          C) Discreet       D) Feast

3) Deficit:

  1. A) Explicit B) Implicit        C) Surplus        D) Superfluous

4) Pacify:

  1. A) Injure B) Offend         C) Aggravate    D) insult

5) absolve :

  1. A) Bless B) Blame          C) Melt            D) Repent

6) Fiction :

  1. A) Imaginary B) Tamed         C) Novel          D) Wilderness

7) Eventually :

  1. A) Suddenly B) Ultimately    C) Quickly       D) Abruptly

8) Congregation :

  1. A) Succession B) Progression  C) Assemblage D) Patronage

9) Precinct :

  1. A) Religion B) Priest           C) Vicinity        D) Preceding

10) Impostor :

  1. A) Inventor B) Pretender     C) Foreigner     D) Specialist

11)  A remedy for all diseases _________

  1. A) Narcotics B) Antiseptic    C) Panacea      D) Tonic

12) One who talks continuously _________

  1. A) Avaricious B) Voracious    C) Loquacious  D) Impecunious

13) A person who hates the institution of marriage _________.

  1. A) Misologist B) Misogamist  C) Misogynist   D) Philogynist

14) That which cannot be seen through __________.

  1. A) Transparent B) Translucent C) Pedantic     D)  Philogynist

15) Not suitable to be eaten ________.

  1. A) Inexorable B) Inept            C) Infernal        D) Inedible

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